The Microsoft is planning to take a step on the World of social network after the success of Facebook and Google+ , How Come Microsoft will going to see that a big piece of profit cake is in the hands of others(means Google and Facebook),We all know that Microsoft is an ally of Facebook and it uses Bing Search engine to provide search results ,even though Microsoft is planning to release a Social Network called SOCL which will turn your search results into Social contents.
This will be exciting to see how Facebook will react on this action of Microsoft. The (and other Microsoft “friends”) has been testing and wrote up an overview Tuesday along with several screenshots.
Microsoft Socl is Look like a mix of Google+ and Facebook the main difference is that The status update bar at the top actually doubles as a search box (or maybe it’s the other way around), and if you use it to conduct a search, Bing search results appear to get posted as content that friends and contacts can comment on.
(image via The Verge)
The Verge suggests that Microsoft may be planning to offer an invite-only beta soon. There are a number of other aspects to that The Verge touches on in its overview.
I was hoping to see the overview of socl but found nothing more than an apology by Microsoft.
Anyway for me it will be another possibility of promoting my blog what will be yours?
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